Past - Star - Christchurch - April
19th 1893 - shipping -
this is all from one item in the newspaper.
KAIKOURA - from London
Arrived - Kaikoura, at 7-30am from London, after an uneventful voyage.
Her dates are - London, March 2nd, -
Plymouth, March 4th, - Teneriffe, March
9, - Capetown, March 15th, - Hobart, April
she brought 60 passengers, 20 of whom are for
For Lyttelton -
Miss S.L. Cunningham, Mrs K.Pullan, Messrs M.Harrison, F.S.Pullan,
For Port Chalmers -
Miss L.Barrett, Messrs T. Fegan, F.Garvey,
Smyth, Kyle, J.Mills, E. Winchester, J.Wills,
For Timaru -
Mr and Mrs R.Baxter,
- from Sydney at 3am -
she brings 41 saloon and 97 steerage passengers, for all ports.
For Wellington - 14 saloon, 70 steerage,
For Lyttelton -
Miss Brasher, Mesdames Ellis, Ingram, Stroud and
child, Cooper, Strange, Messrs J.Herman,
W.H.Mitchell, Hedsman, Stroud, W.Gent,
Ramsay, Bishop, Strange, Master Cooper, and 16
For Dunedin -
Misses Buxton, Hooper, Mesdames Buxton,
Churchward, Metcalfe, Hooper, Booth, Donaldson
and child, Messrs Buxton, Booth,
and 11 steerage.
For the Bluff -
Mr J.Granville.
Beverley Evans
Christchurch NZ
6 July 2006