Papers Past  -    Star  -  Christchurch  -      shipping    -   January  1886    -  

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Doric  -   London  -  New Zealand

The following passengers  were booked to November  20  for the Shaw Savill  and Albion  Company's   steamship  DORIC   to leave london  on December  5th.
First  Saloon  -
Otago  -     Misses Parker,   S.G.Oliver,   J. Gordon,     Mrs Begg & family,
Canterbury  -    Mr G.J.Hamilton,
Wellington  -    Rev P. Ramsay,   Rev J. Lymburn,   Messrs W. Sibary,   F. Holland,    Algernon Brown,   Atthew  Nelson,   H. Pulford,   Dr G. Cressey,
Auckland   -      Misses Williams,   Rev H.  Williams,  

Second saloon  -
Auckland  -   Messrs   A. Atkinson,   R. Atkinson,   A. Hallow,   L. Dawson,  R. Lamb,   J. Hay,   J.W. Mills,  W. Ogg.
Otago  -    Mr & Mrs J.M. McCulloch.

Beverley Evans
Christchurch  NZ
25 July  2007