Saturday 1 July 1893
Property for Sale - 002 BRAY - late W.E. "Fifield" Opawa, 16
acres, good house ----
Fatalities - 003 FARRANT - Albert, youth employed in rabbiting
-- died suddenly at Lake Wakatipu -- HAYMAN - child od 3yrs of Mr Walter, of
Wheatstone, died Thursday night --- McGREGOR - Donald, age 56, found dead in
bed at Hokowaiti, 18 miles from Dargaville.
Properties Let - 004 READE - 10 rooms Park Tce. EDWARDS - Bligh's rd. FRANKISH - Dr. Colombo st.
Clearance sale of Furniture - 004 MARKS - Mr H. leaving for England -- EDWARDS - Thomas, at Bligh's rd.
Auction - 005 TEMPLE - Capt. of Geraldine
---- well built 7 bedroom house in Cashel at st near the
Domain ---
Monday 3 July 1893
Business sold - 007 DURANT - T.W. business sold to Mr T. Durant,
sen. ----
Auction - 008 FRASER - John, deceased of
Waddington, sections in Waddington township. ----
Inquest - 009
HAMILTON - ----an infant child of
Margaret Hamilton. a verdict death from natural
causes. ---
Orange Lodge Funeral - 010 JORDAN - Hugh, followed from his res. Montreal
st, Sydenham to Addington Cemetery ---- lots more ---
Will - 011 PRICE - William, of Llantrissant, Glamorgan,
surgeon, died 23 January, age 92, will has been
proved Miss Gwenllian Llewellyn
--- 2 children Jessu
Grist and Penelopen Elizabeth ----- lots more ----
Tuesday 4 July 1893
Fatalities - 013 ALPERS - Thorwald, aged 57, of Napier,
dropped dead --- MASSON - John, age 23, unmarried, playing
football collided with another player ---- died --Dunedin. PAGET - Mrs, wife of Mr C.E. found dead in her
home ---- Auckland PAUL - John, a second hand dealer in Chapel st
dropped dead ---- Auckland
To Let - 015 O'NEIL - Messrs Bros. occupying 90 acres of land, dairy
farm, Charlesworth rd, Woolston ---
Wednesday 5 July 1893
Presentation - 017 McRAE - George, of Mt Somers, given a gold
watch --- leaving Ashburton Gorge.
Thursday 6 July 1893
Accidents & Fatalities - 020 BURTON - Mr W.H. of Bangor, Hurunui,
riding home on a horse -- dislocated shoulder ----
7 July 1893
New Plymouth - 023 HONAN Frank and REYNOLDS - Frank, are missing left Awakino
for Te Kuiti 2 weeks ago ----
Saturday 8 July 1893
Departing Citizens - 025 COHEN - Mr Louis, leaving Christchurch for Marton
--- HOWLAND - Mr A.G. and family left for America --- MARKS - Mr H. well known in Christchurch last 30
yrs, left for tour of continent ---
Obituary - 027
JONES - Mr Milson Jones, old,
respected settler in the Ellesmere
district, died this morning at his residence, Dunsandel.
Monday 10 July 1893
Presentation - 028 ALEXANDER - Mr James, presented with a silver tea
set, on the eve of his marriage ---
Obituary - 030 BLACKMAN - Mr John, poet and lecturer died
Auckland Sunday , age 74, born Surrey, WEARING - Mr G. Herbert, at Kaiapoi, on 19
June ---- host of Kaiapoi Hotel, leaves a widow, and
1son and 1 daughter
Accidents & Fatalities - 034 BEADEL - Mr H.J. of Cashmere, had an accident
-- his horse fell and rolled on top of him --- HALL -
Elizabeth, died suddenly on Friday, was held at the
deceased father's
residence --- died from natural causes. LANAUZE -
Robert, formerly chief
clerk in the Customs Dept. dropped dead -- in Fort street. He
had been suffering from heart
disease ---
Tuesday 11 July 1893
Letters of Naturalisation
- 039 GUNDERSEN - Teodor, shoemaker, Linwood.
Accidents & Fatalities - 040 LYNCH - Gladys, age 8, of Woodville,
severely burned when her clothes caught fire --- CLOCKY - an old man , found destitute, in
Invercargill, travelled mending clocks, --- died -- name maybe
Obituary - 041 SMITH - John, of Regent st, Woolston, died
on Sunday, age 78, lived in Woolston over 30yrs. ---
Wednesday 12 July 1893
Accidents & Fatalities - 043 DELLA & PENCOLE, of Melbourne,
killed when a crane broke -- 3rd man MASSON
badly injured -- EASON - a bricklayer, Dunedin, blind in one
eye -- had accident to other eye -- GILLARD - George, a seaman on s.s. Queen of the South,
married, family in Wellington, knocked into the
hold, suffered bruising --- MOONEY - John, Dunedin, fell off a
rock while rabbiting, was killed -- WARNOLL - Anna, dau. of --- hydropathic
practioner, Lake Takapuna thrown from her horse,
Land Transfers - 044 MEGOWAN - John, 50 acres, rural section
5152 Grey District --- PACKER - Sarah Elizabeth and PARKERSON - Edward, 22 perches -- occupied
by D.I.C. RIX - Robert George, 20 acres, rural section
1063 Christchurch, occ. by Andrew Burke. STAPLETON - Michael, 54 acres -- rural section 9508 and
part 6044 Leeston district --- VAUGHAN - William, 75 acres rural sections 9072,
9115, 9842 Rangiora occ. by John Lilley.
Auction - 046 WOOD - Mr Rd, giving up dairying, at his farm
Obituary - 049 JONES - Mr Milson, an old settler, d. 7 July at
Killinchy, arr. Auckland in 1861 arr. Christchurch 1 yr
later --- lots more ---
Missing Friend - 050 NEWMAN - William, nephew of Hannah
Chandler, last heard of 7 yrs ago in Marlborough NZ ----
Saturday 15 July 1893
Fatalities - 053 GREY - Miss Isabella, missed from home at
Longacre Valley, Wanganui -- found dead in small creek
age 25 ---
Divorce - 054 NICOLL - v. Nicoll and
MacNeill --- at Dunedin ---
Probates - 055 CLEARY - John SMITH - John TURNER - John ---
Monday 17 July 1893
Auckland - Fatal
accident - 057 KNOX - Daniel, a miner in Fernhill coal
mine found dead on Sat. leaves a wife and grown up
LEE- Walter, of Auckland, fractured his skull -- dead
branch fell on him-- died -- age 40, married -- WORMALL - Anna,
badly hurt --
thrown by her horse recently, died from the result of
injuries she sustained.
Fires - 058 ROWE - James, 2 storey building on pig farm at Shirley --
discovered by Mrs Dyer wife of David, Mrs
Leslie & dau's helped until men arrived ---
Property sale - 060 PARISH - known as Parish's estate, farms
at springston, Templeton and Ferry rd. ---
Clearing Sale - 061 WHITE - Henry, live and dead stock at his farm at
Tai-Tapu --- lease expired --
Tuesday 18 July 1893
Creditors Meeting - 062
ADAMS - James, flax miller, of Amberley,
--- lots more ----
Fatalities - 064 KING - James
King, a stonemason by trade, ----
died suddenly this morning from heart disease. DRYDEN - Thomas,
the contractor
who was injured last week at the lime works, died yesterday. KNOX - Daniel, inquest opened today --
adjourned ---
Auction - 065 WIMPERS - Miss J. (leaving for England) selling
paintings, is a first class artist ----
Wednesday 19 July 1893
Fatalities - 067 ANDERSON - Andrew, at Kelburn diggings, found
dead ---- HENSLEY - Charles, of Wheatsheaf, on the Leeston
rd, --- harness broke, thrown out of vehicle
The police have received information
that Mrs Simmex died last night at Carterton through
Presentations - 068 HELMORE - Mr G.H.N. Ashley County cricket
--- marble clock , wedding present --- LANAUZE - Capt. retiring from Police Force ----
Thursday 20 July 1893
Cokers Hotel - 072 COKER - Mr J.E. has just taken over the New
Brighton Hotel -----
Coach Accident at Lyell - 073
Coach driver Jones, passengers Mr & Mrs Mitchell
and 2 children, Messrs Burley and 2 sons, Glenny,Cummins and Dixon ----- long column ----
Inquest - 074 SINNCOSE - Mrs at Carterton, ----- died of
heart disease --- SMITH - Sarah Ann, a widow, died at Port
Chalmers, ----
Friday 21 July 1893
Inquests - 076 KARETAI - Timoti, died from a fall over the
cliffs in Dunedin --- RODGERS - Mr
Archibald Rae, who was found dead in bed yesterday,
----- age 30 SMITH - at the
inquest on the woman Sarah Ann Smith, Dunedin, the
evidence ------
Wedding at Rangiora - 078 HENDERSON - BLACKETT - Alexander, son of Mr
W. to Isabella, 3rd dau. of Mr H.Blackett ---
Obituary - 079
MURRAY-AYNSLEY - Mrs Elizabeth, age
64, at her res. Riverlaw,
Opawa, dau. of late Mr Thomas Campbell, of Argyle --
came here
in the steamer Royal
Bride, Mr Murray-Aynsley who
with Mr Banks was representing Miles & Co in Lyttelton,
went home
to make the necessary arrangements, while there he
married and brought his wife out with him on his return
Lyttelton on Dec 28th 1859 -------- was 64 years of
age, leaves 4 sons and 3 daughters. Her 2 brothers
are Mr James
of Napier, and Mr Archibald CAMPBELL, of Southland.
------ leaves 4 sons, 3 daughters, ----
Woolston Cemetery --
Accidents & Fatalities - 082 FOOK - John, age 62, of Hokaru,
died Auckland --- HOPKINS - Mr, a farmer, at Ashley Bridge, broke a bone
in his ankle -- TURNER - Edward, age 50, died suddenly at
St Albans ---
Monday 24
Amberley - 083 ADAMS - James, flaxmiller, bankrupt,
sell, 2 horses, saddle, and bridle -----
Accidents & Fatalities -085 COPE - Richard, age 1yr. at Kaitara,
scalded to death --- LANGLEY - ---thrown in the air, may prove fatal ---New
Plymouth --
Accidents & Fatalities - 086 IVES - Charles, son of George, broke a leg --- MOONEY - John, died -- fell over a cliff when
rabbiting TURNER - Edward, age 50 died suddenly on Friday ---
Funeral - 088 MURRAY-AYNSLEY - took place at Woolston Cemetery on Saturday
Tuesday 25 July 1893
Accidents & Fatalities - 090 BOWATER - a young woman ---- accidentally shot in the jaw
--- Wellington -- CROMPTON - Thomas James, age 3 and half, son of
Mt T. died suddenly ---- JAPP - A.J. a young man, farmer at Waimata, is
missing -- ROSSER - Fred Edward, died ---- a remittance
man, son of late Colonel Rosser, 16th Lancers,
leaves a
widow and 5 children 30 yrs in Auckland --
Wednesday 26
July 1893
Accidents &
Fatalities -094 CORKHILL - Daniel, a station hand drowned at a
ford in Moawhanga river ---Napier.
HERBERT - Mr E. of melbourne, while at Rotorua ---
fell into the boiling water ---
Obituary - 095 BARKER - Mr C.J. of Rangiora, died --
interred today at Rangiora with Masonic honours.
Land Sale - 097 GRAHAM - Mr Jno. Le Bons Bay, 20 acres of
rich cocksfoot land ---
Land sale - 098 HAYLAND Estate - 6465 acres freehold,
5000 sheep, house with 10 rooms -- 18 miles from Rangiora --
Stanmore Nursery Sale - 099 KERR & BARNETT - ornamental trees, 200,000
forest trees --- etc --- lease expired
Auction - 100 RANDALL & MUSGRAVE - dissolution of partnership
-- 560 acres at Dunsandel -- 7 roomed house --
Thursday 27 July 1893
Auction - 102 EARLY - Mr S. 2 properties, Lincoln
township and Linwood -- lots more ---
to close an estate
Accidents & Fatalities - 103 BELL - William Zero, age 5mths died an inquest
was held --- O'CALLAGHAN- son of Mr J. fell off a
tree ---- CROMPTON - Thomas James, died suddenly on 24 July
-- inquest -- death from natural causes ---
Volunteer Funeral - 104 BARKER - Private C.J. of Rangiora Rifle
Co. buried with Military Honours ----
Friday 28 July 1893
Obituary - 106 GABRIEL - Rev. Mother St Mary, Lady Superior of
the Convent of Sacred Heart, Barbadoes St.
-- left NZ for France last April
--- born Co.
Leath, Ireland in 1853 arr. here 17 yrs ago --
more ---
Saturday 29 July 1893
Auction - 108 DELBRIDGE - J. leaving for Australia, --
at his res. "Ellerslie" Sydenham ---
Presentation - 109 RITCHIE - Mr T. -- headmaster of Opawa School --
presented with a gold watch --- successor Mr
Petrie ---
Monday 31 July 1893
Benefit Concert - 111 ALDERSLEY -a concert for the benefit of the family of
the late Mr A. -----
Presentations - 112 COOPER - Mr, Mrs and Master Leslie Cooper a Rochester
lamp, a pair of salt spoons, silver fork and spoon with
the gift of scholars and teachers of Harewood rd
School Miss Mabel Jesson, senior
scholar --- DOUDS - Miss teachers and scholars presented a valuable
card-case, appointed infant mistress at Papanui School. GRAY - Mr A. leaving St Albans School for Richmond
School presented with a set of silver studs and a
watch-guard HARRIS - Miss,of Messrs O'Brien & Co.
presented with a flower epergne a pair of mantel
ornaments and a horseshoe mirror -- ---
Land Sale - 113 HAYLAND Estate at Cust,- of 6465 acres for the
sum of 15,000 pounds RUDD - John, 150 acres at Greendale for
1350 pounds. LODGE - Thomas, - section at Addington,
for 75 pounds
For Sale - 114 KERR & BARNETT - of Stanmore Nursery,
expiration of lease -- list of trees and shrubs ---
Fatality - 115 SPILLARD - Andrew, been missing from
Waikari since 14 July , has been found -- he
fell over a cliff --