Papers Past  -  Star  -  Christchurch  -  October  1883  -  Snippets

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Monday  1 October  1883
Inquest  -  DANN - 001
An inquest was held at Rangiora,  respecting the death of Mrs Dann,  which occurred suddenly on the previous day.  ----  deceased was 65 years of age
email for a copy.

Auckland  -  O ' REILLY  - 002
A shocking death is reported from West  Clive (Olive)  6 miles from here.  -----------  as Mrs O'Reilly,  aged 36,  a servant at the West Clive (Olive)
Hotel,   her brother being a wheelwright in the same township. --------   email for a copy.

Bankruptcy  -    page 2 - 004
SELLAR  - George Smith

Auckland  -  ASHWELL  -   page 3  - 005
The Rev Ashwell,  one of the oldest Church of England missionaries in the Colony  is dead.

Tuesday  2 October  1883
Tinwald  -  Inquest  -  MORAN  -  page 3 - 006
An inquest was held yesterday at Scott's Hotel,  Tinwald,  on the body of a man named Patrick Moran,  a workman who was found dead in a drain
on the Longbeach estate on Saturday -------   email for a copy

Wanganui  -  funeral  -  Mete KINGI  - 007
the grand military funeral of Mete Kingi took place at the Mission cemetery,  Putiki,  this afternoon,  in the presence of 6000 spectators.
including 1100 Maoris,  from all parts of the North Island.  -------  lots more,  email for a copy.

In Bankruptcy  -    page 2 - 008
OGDEN  -  Robert,   of Knightstown,  gardener.
HOWARD  -  Thomas Phillip,   Ohoka,
ROLLINSON  -  Robert  and
-  Daniel,    of Coalgate,  trading under the name Rollinson and Boyd,   flaxdressers

Wednesday  3 October  1883
Fire  -  JACOBS  - 010
A fire broke out at 2 o'clock this morning in the centre of a block of 5 wooden shops in Wyndham street.   ---  occupied by Jacobs,  bootmaker.
Jacobs,  his wife and 2 children, who slept in the upper storey,  narrowly escaped.  --------  through HARE's stationery,  BUCKTON's secondhand,
Cavanagh's grocery shops and stocks were much injured.  ----  email for a copy.

Fatality on Ninety Mile Beach  -  CORKHILL  - 012
On Sunday afternoon a man supposed to be Thomas Corkhill,  an old sailor,  --------  his body was washed up on the beach about 50 yards below
the   Little Rakaia Bridge.

Christchurch  -   QUINN  -  016
A farmer named John Quinn,  residing in Shirley, died suddenly yesterday.   ------  the deceased leaves a widow and several children.  ---   email for a copy.

In Bankruptcy  -  017
CLARKE  -  John Thomas,  draper and painter,  of Christchurch - 014
MAINE  -  William,    bootmaker  of Christchurch -  017

Funeral   -  TURNER  - 018
On Sunday last a funeral service was held in Kaiapoi Wesleyan Church,  on the death of the late Mrs Joseph Turner,  of Waverley.  -------email for a copy

Thursday 4 October  1883              page 3
Auckland  -  fire  -    BELCHER's   block of shops  - 019
A fire brole our shortly after 10 0'clock in Belcher's block of shops, Karangahape road,  occupied by  DAVIS,  RYDER,  FENTONTON,  grocers. 
All were destroyed. The adjoining 2 storey house,  which was alo Belcher's was occupied by a Mr SNELL,  was damaged,  but not greatly.

Greymouth  -   fire  -   HUGHES  - 019
John Hughe's store at Rutherglen has been burnt down.  ---------email for a copy

Dunedin  -  fire  -  MILNE  - 019
A large dwelling house at Kaitangata,  the property of Mr Milne,  was burned down with almost all the contents this morning.  ----   email for a copy.

Missing  -  HILL  - 020
It was reported to the police that a little girl named Annie Hill,  4 years of age,  had been lost from her home 287 St Asaph street west,.  She is described as being dressed in blue serge frock and white pinafore.

Friday  5 October
       page 2
Waikuku  -  Fire  -  LANG  - 021
at 10 o'clock on Wenesday morning a fire broke out in a cottage at Waikuku,  occupied by Mr John Lang.  -----    email for a copy

Bankruptcy  - 022
CARNEY -   Daniel,    labourer of Christchurch
PAPPRILL  -  Silas,     electrotyper  of Christchurch

Passengers  -  DORIC  -   024
Mrs Catherine Jane Canning,  Miss Elizabeth Sarah Canning,  Miss Harriett Plumber,  Mr B.Y.Bingham,  Mr Charles Gumprich,  Mr Charles Augustus Lord,

Second cabin - Mr James Pennyquick,  Miss Eliza P.Bannister,  Mr Walter lench,  Mr W.Francis Hunter,  Miss helen King,  Miss Jane Day,  Mr John Simpson,  Mrs Christina Simpson,  Miss Stubbs,  Mr P.Norgate, 

Steerage -  Mr William Russell,  Mrs Jane Russell,  Mr Frank Ward,  Mr Thomas Trude,  Mr Humphrey Trude,  Mr William George Greaves,  Mrs Fanny Greaves,  Mr William James Proctor,  Mrs Sarah Cope,  Mr J.Bickerton,  Mr and Mrs Hudson,  Edith, Percy, Sydney and Ada Hudson,  Mr William Noble and Mrs Sarah, Janet, Elizabeth and Ellen Noble,  Mr Daniel Noyle?  Mr George Sepp?  Mr Michael Rowe,  Mr William Watkins,  Mrs Sarah Milne,  Mrs Elizabeth Shearer,  Mrs Sarah Jane Shearer,  Mr J.B.Tribe.

Saturday  6 October  1883
Fatalities  -  025   page 3
MILLER  -  ----------  He came to Port Chalmers on the  last trip of the British King,  and leaves 2 children.  ----   email for a copy.
MACALISTER  -     email for a copy

Port Chalmers  - THOMSON  - 026
At a sawmill at Port Chalmers today a distressing accident occurred,  by which George Thomson lost an arm.  -------   he has a wife and 4 children
dependant on him.  ------  email for a copy.

Bankruptcy  -    027
PUDDLE  -    William  of Kaiapoi,  labourer

Monday 8 October  1883
Greymouth  -    a bad coach accident  - 030
A bad coach accident occurred this morning.  The brake gave way when the Reefton coach was coming down 12 mile hill.  John MITCHELL,
the prop,  and 2 passengers were very much hurt.  2 horses were killed,  and the coach smashed to pieces.  --------Mr MITCHELL  was driving, 
Mrs TEMPERLY,  Miss KILGOUR,  and Mr GOLIGHTLY,   a commercial traveller.   --------   email for a copy.

Old Settler  -  HARRINGTON  - 031
Another old settler has passed away at a ripe age.  Mr W. Harrington senior -- came out here in the very early daysof the Province ------- 
he died yesterday in his 82nd year.  His widow who was born in the last year of the last century,  is despite her years,  bright and energetic still, 
and can point with pride to a diploma from the Exhibition, testifying to her skill in rug working.   email  for a copy.

Inquest  -  Geraldine  -  MILLARD  - 032
On Saturday morning last an inquest was held  ---  touching the death of Mr Thomas Millard,  who met his death the previously Thursday evening.
-------  the funeral took place on Sunday afternoon ------   email for a copy.

Mataura  -  MATHESON - 034
Peter Matheson,  who lately had some connection with a lignite pit on the Waimea estate,  came into Gore ----------  his age would be about
45 - 50 years and believed he came from Canterbury. -----

Masterton  -  HEDGELAND  - 035
The body of Hedgeland, a one armed shepherd, who was missed from the Langdale station, was found in the Whareama river,  near the Ica station,  yesterday.

Fatality  -  ROWE - 036
occurred at Gladstone youngest dau. of Robert Rowe, was driving the milking cows to their paddock  --- was found dead with a fractured skull.

Tuesday  9 October  1883
Dargaville   -  GRAHAM  - 038
a man, whose supposed name is Thomas Graham,  was drowned at Dargaville while attempting to step on board the steamer Durham.

Wellington  -  McWILLIAMS  - 039
Henry Mc Williams, a clerk in the head office of the Customs Department,  has been missing for a week.  -----   email for a copy.

Dunedin  - GALLOWAY  - 037
James Galloway, a labourer,  while fishing at the mouth of Shag river with a net was drowned yesterday evening.

Palmeston  North  -    040
    Nelson,  a bushman,    Dingoldy  a tailor  -------------      email for a copy.

Bankruptcy -  040a
OVENDEN - William Henry, of Kaiapoi, a medical practitioner ------
GALLAGHER - Timothy,  storekeeper.
PARNHAM - Edwin,   of Kaiapoi,  butcher
De VAUX - Augustus Frederick  of Christchurch,  accountant.

Fielding  -  PALMER  - 041
a child named Palmer,  aged 3 years,  was drowned at Aorangi,  near Fielding,  yesterday,  by falling into a creek.  At the inquest today a
verdict of accidentally drowned was returned.

Cambridge -  042
- an elderly man named George Spicer,  missing at Cambridge , ---------    email for a copy.

Wednesday  10  October  1883

Winton  -   Fire  -  Woody Knoll sawmill  -   043
- Yesterday  morning,  Woody Knoll sawmill, near Winton,  was destroyed by fire. The owners are J.H. Dawson and Sons.  --  email for a copy

Auckland  -  044
   a boy named Herbert Neill,  got his head jammed by a patent lift  -------  and received ijuries likely to end seriously.   email for a copy

Thursday 11 October  1883

Death  -  LYNHAM  - 045
Yesterday morning about 10am a son of Mr W.H. Lynham,  of the Templeton Hotel, was leading a horse in a dray from Mr VOICE's yard
on to the road.  -------   an inquest will be held   email for a copy.

Wellington  -   Inquest  -  HEDGLAND  - 045a
At the inquest on the shepherd,  John Hedgland, a verdict was returned that death resulted from drowning in the Whareama river.

Friday  12 October  1883
Bankruptcy  - 046
OLLIVER  -   Walter James  -     a long snippet about these two,  email for a copy.

Saturday  13 October  1883
Greymouth  -  BARTON  - 047
An accident occurred at the Brick and Timber Compny's Mill at Taylorville  yesterday afternoon by which Mr Barton,  the Manager, ------- 

Timaru  -  LOUGH  - 048
Yesterday afternoon Mrs Lough, wife of the Town Clerk of Timaru,  with some friends, accompanied by one of her children, a little  boy about 4
and half years old, was walking on some unused railway lines near the old engine shed. ---------  tripped and fell forward on the metal,  his forehead
striking it with great violence.  Mr Walls,  blacksmith,  carried the poor little fellow to Watkin's chemist shop where Dr McIntyre fortunately
happened to be.  -----  skull fractured,  but with care and attention fatal consequences will not follow.    email for a copy

Waimate  -  Fire  -  COLLINS  - 050
A cottage at Waimate occupied by Thomas Collins was burnt down yesterday morning.  The family barely escaped with their clothing.

Fatality  -   WILLIAMS -  051
The body of Henry Woodward Williams,  one of the principal Clerks in the Head Department of H.M. Customs,  who has been missing since
October 2nd,  was picked up  ----   close to Queen's Wharf  --- an inquest will be held.   email for a copy.

Monday  15 October  1883
Auckland  -  DONNELL   - 052
In the gale at Hokianga, 2 men were capsized in a boat.  James Donnell,  engineer,  was drowned,  the other  Cochrane,  swam ashore.

Death  -  LAKE  - 053
This morning  a labourer  named William Lake, residing in Montreal street,  Sydenham,  reported that his infant child a boy 10 days
old had died at 6am  -------  email for a copy.

Inquest  -  054
  -   at the inquest on the body of Henry Woodward Williams,  the jury returned a verdict of found drowned.

Tuesday  16 October  1883
Accidents  -  055
   a man named Rands was killed on Petone Hill on Saturday night,  by a team and dray going over the side of a precipice.
KIRK  -     last evening a little girl named Kirk,  daughter of a plate-layer on the line, was run over by a railway train at Pukepati?

Dunedin  - shipping   -   Loss of 3 lives  -   057
arrived  -  Jessie Redman  from London,  97 days . 
On September 11 during a strong southerly wind with mountainous seas,  3 seamen were engaged in making fast the inner jib,  when a heavy sea threw them off the boom.  Nothing could be done to save them.   Their names are Robert KELLY,  John LAWSON,  Richard FARMER,  the latter is a native of Blenheim.

Wellington  - 058
THOMPSON  v THOMPSON  decree nisi  granted.

Kaiapoi Island  -  SMITH  - 059
As Mr Hay Smith of Kaiapoi island was stepping from his trap upon his return from Christchurch,  on Saturday,  he slipped and fell,  receiving some
nasty contusions upon his face and head,  in consequence of which he is confined to his bed.  His injuries however are not of a serious nature.

Auckland  -  060
SHAW  -   a man named Shaw was killed at Henderson's yesterday by a cart falling on him.
LANDFORD  -  John Landford, a labourer,  fell down dead this morning.

Wednesday  17 October  1883
Dunedin  -  Rev Richard CONNIBIE 062
private advice reports the death of the Rev Richard Connibie  formerly Congregational minister here,  from heart disease.

Bankruptcy  -  063
Richard Durant LONG   of Weka Pass  stock dealer  

Auckland  -   WATT - 064
William Watt,  bushman,  fell over Coromandel wharf last night at dusk and was drowned.

Dunedin  -    WHITE  - 065
a man named John White -------  Clutha River , near Rittrick.  email for a copy.

Thursday  18 October  1883
Auckland  -  Inquest  -  066
-  At the inquest on Mrs Julia Mackenna,  who died suddenly in Grey street, a verdict of death from serious apoplexy,  -------  email for a copy.

Friday  19 October  1883
Dunedin  -   BOOTE  - 067
A woman anmed Sarah Boote met her death,  under somewhat extraordinary circumstances this morning.  She has,  for the last 3 weeks living  with a man named Augustus  KELLY,    ---------   said to have been a widow,  having a family in Manchester, England.  She was 33 years of age.  lots more     email for a copy

Divorce  -   068
  -   a long column   -  -----  email for a copy. 

Invercargill  -   SHAW  - 069
Adistressing accident took place yesterday morning on the farm of W.C. Moore,  Waikiwi,  3 miles from Invercargill.  A widow named Shaw,
whose husband died 2 years ago resides in a small hut,  about 3 chains from Moore,  with 2 girls,  5 and 3 years.  --------   email for a copy.

Auckland  -  070
-   A corpse found in the Waikato river near Huntley,  is supposed to be the body of Spicer.  ---- email for a copy.

Saturday  20 October  1883
Drowning  -  MINNIS  -  071
The body of Hugh Minnis,  the unfortunate carpenter of the s.s. Doric who was drowned in Lyttelton harbour nearly 3 weeks ago,
was yesterday discovered about half past 5 pm ---------  an inquest will probably be held.    ----    email for a copy.

Monday 22 October  1883
Inquest  -   Lyttelton  -  MINISS  - 072
An inquest was held on Saturday afternoon,  before Dr Coward Coroner,  touching the death of Hugh Minniss,  who was drowned on 4 October.
  ------- verdict of accidently drowned was unanimously found by the jury.   ----    email for a copy

Napier  -  Petane  -   CARSWELL 074
Another fatal accident is reported from Petane.  a daughter of W. Carswell  went out for a walk yesterday afternoon,Not returning for tea her  absence caused
alarm,  and all night search parties were out.  This morning her body was found in the river.

Injured  -  DRINKWELL  - 075
The unfortunate man  Edward Drinkwell,  who was injured last week by being thrown from a ballast train on the Oxford  - Eyreton line, 
sucummbed at the Hospital about 10 o'clock yesterday morning.  an inquest will be held this afternoon at 3 o'clock.

Auckland  -  SULLIVAN  - 076
John Sullivan, a settler in the province since 1884 ?  died at Maharunga,  aged 73 years.  He was the owner of a number of vessels trading north of Auckland.

Shipping  -  Taranaki  from London  -   078
September  5th  -  one  birth  -  Mrs WARD  -  male child
one death on board  -    Thomas JUDSON  -   age 19  on  October  9th of inflammation of the lungs.
brings 340 passengers ----   lots more  -----about the voyage.

Tuesday  23 October  1883     page 2
Auckland  -  CRUIKSHANK  - 079
a lad named Cruikshank,  aged 7 was drowned in the Upper Mahurangi yesterday.

Lyttelton  -  Inquest  -  DURHAM  - 080 and 080a
the inquest on the body of the man John Durham,  who was found dead in his house,  off London street,  Lyttelton,  on Sunday morning last  -----
a long piece  ---- email for a copy

Funeral -  081
The body of the late carpenter of the steamship DORIC  who was drowned in Lyttelton, was buried on Sunday  in the Church of England Cemetery,  buried by the brethren of the Maiden City L.O.L.  he being a member of theis order. -----  more  ---

Balclutha  -   HEYWOOD  -  082
a member of the WILLMOT's Coombination Troupe,  staying here at present,  intended going rabbit shooting this morning.  Frank Heywood
the pianist was getting his gun ready in a bedroom of the Criterion Hotel and was blowing down the barrel to ascertain it was clear. 
Frank SIMMONS  another of the troupe,  holding a lighted match to the nipple.  The gun went off   Heywood   was killed instantly.
 an inquest is to be held this afternoon.

Inquest  -  De la HAYE   and  MEEK  - 083
the inquest on the bodies of De la Haye  and Meek at Napier yesterday resulted in nothing new being elicited.  A verdict of death from cold exposure, 
consequently on the upsetting of the boat,  was returned.  REARDON's   body has not yet been recovered.

In Bankruptcy  - 084
William PUDDLE  -  Kaiapoi.     --------
George William ROGERS  -  Christchurch   -----------

Wednesday  24 October  1883
Ormond  -   inquest  -   KAYE  - 087
an enquiry was held on Monday at Ormond,  into the finding  of a skeleton in Waihiku river  ------------------- a man named G.H.Lyster Kaye,  who had lived
for some time on a station  belonging to Mr HUTCHISON.  ----------  a verdict of death from causes unknown was found by  the jury. --- email for a copy.

Waiuku  -  BRAUN  - 088
Henry Braun,  a lad,  was accidentally shot at Waiuku,  by a settler named Anthony MAY,  The boy lies in a precarious state.

Thursday 25 October  1883
Invercargill  -   SIMS - 089
a man named Charles Sims -------deceased came to Invercargill by the ship Western Monarch in 1879  -------  he had no family,  and his wife
worked to support both latterly.   deceased was formerly a resident of Australia,  and re- immigrated to NZ -------   email for a copy.

Auckland  -  WALKER  - 090
John Walker,  aged 92,  a Waterloo veteran,  has died at Mount Eden gaol,  to which he had been committed for vagrancy.  He was born in  India in 1791 
and was consequently one of the 1st  English - born subjects of the British Crown in India.  He was in the Colony in 1840. -----   email for a copy.

Friday  26  October  1883
Napier  -  REARDON,    MEEK,    De la HAYE  - 091
the body of the youth Reardon,  who was drowned at Napier on Saturday,  has not yet been recovered.  Meek's body has been preserved, 
and sent to Wellington for interment.   A large number attended the funeral of De la Haye.

Dunedin  -  The ROYAL  HOTEL  - 092
the Royal Hotel at Switzers,  Waikaia  district,  was totally destroyed by fire last night.  It was the property of William  KELTY,    -----   email for a copy.

Russell   -   TAIWHANGA  - 093
James Taiwhanga,  brother of Sydney Taiwhanga --------    dead this morning at Russell. -----  email for a copy.

Saturday  27 October  1883     page 3
Dunedin  -  KENNY  - 094
a child of one of Nelson's emigrants,  named Kenny,  aged 10 years,  died in the train between Blueskin  and Palmeston yesterday. 
She had been ailing for some days but a medical man said he thought she could make the journey.  No inquest will be held.

Bankruptcies  -  095
OVENDEN - William Henry,  of Kaiapoi,  medical practioner. ----
PERRIN - John jnr. -  of Kaiapoi,  a Painter -----
PALMER - Henry Francis -  of Christchruch ---
DUDDING - Charles,  formerly Amberley,  now Hinds,  contractor. ---

Shipping  -  British Queen  - 096
to leave Lyttelton  this afternoon for London  arriving about 7 December ---  30 passnegers ---
From Auckland -    Saloon -  Mr Izard,       2nd cabin - Mrs Farron,   Mrs Elliott,  Miss Gould,
From Lyttelton  -  Mr B.Armitage.
From Wellington  -  Mr W. & Mrs J. Caselberg,

Steerage  - 

From Oamaru  -  Mr George McNeil,  Mrs James McNeil, 
From Auckland - Mr James Tronson,
From Dunedin - Mr John Jamieson, Mr Thomas Gordon,  Mr and Mrs Cunningham and 2 children.  Mr J.C.Edwards.
From Wellington -  Mrs James Wilcox,  Messrs A.Bennett,  H.Wagstaff,  T.Trowell,  Thomas Isles,
From Napier -  Mr J.H.Piercy
From Invercargill -  Mr J.M.Hughes,
From Lyttelton -  Messrs Peter Gallin,  Hall.

Land Sales  -  097
STACE -  Mr Albert's  farm at Springston  with 6 roomed house  to  Mrs Smith ---- 
McILRAITH -  Mr Hugh, bought a farm of 945 acres 4 miles from the Mitcham railway station   -----

Greymouth  -  RITCHIE  - 099
Sarah Ritchie,  an old woman,  who lately arrived here from Kumara,  was found in a lagoon near Preston bridge this morning.

Auckland  -   Inquest  -    100
  - at the inquest on the body of Hemi Taiwhanga, --------       email for a copy.

Monday  29  October  1883
Wellington  -  CORRIE  - 102
a daughter of Mr J. Corrie,  farmer,  Whiteman's Valley, near Upper Hutt,  died suddenly on Saturday.  She had been to Wellington, 
and on returning complained of being ill.  She retired to bed,  and in a few minutes called out for assistance,  remarking  that she was dying.  
--------    an inquest will be held later today.   ----   email for a copy.

Dunedin  -  WHITLEY  - 103
a 3mths old son of John Whitley was found dead in its mother's bed yesterday afternoon. ---------    and overlaid the child.  ---   email for a copy.

Application for Maintenance  -  SWINDELL - 104
Elizabeth Swindell applied for an order  -- her son Joseph  ---   she is 68 years of age  ----  another son Henry ----- husband died in 1880 ----  lots more ---

Tuesday 30 October  1883
Wellington -   LEVY  - 104a
Mr Solomon Levy,  an old and highly respected resident of Wellington,  died suddenly at Blenheim today.  aged 64.  He was on a visit to
a relative there.  His body will be bought to Wellington for internment.

Death  -   QUINTEN  - 106
a man named Quinten, a tinsmith at Sheffield,  died suddenly on Sunday morning last,  about 10 o'clock,  while in a fit.  ----- an inquest was held
on Monday at the residence of the deceased -------  a verdict was returned death from natural causes.

Bankruptcy  -   107
Frederic Henry Melville WALKER  of Christchurch,  Land Agent. 
email for a copy.

Dunedin  -    Inquest  -  WHITLEY  - 108
at the inquest tonight on the body of the child Whitley,  the evidence showed that the mother and father had both been drunk on Sunday afternoon. 
The death of the child had been caused by suffocation,  either through the mother overlaying the child or in some way heaping clothes over it.
 a verdict of manslaughter was returned against the mother and the father severely reprimanded by the Coroner and the jury.

Dunedin  -    COOK  - 108
a girl named Agnes Cook,  9 years of age,  ----------   Shag Point branch line and killed.  No particulars of this sad mishap are yet to hand.

Wednesday  31 October  1883
Wellington  -  ENRIGHT   and O'MALLEY  - 110
by a landslip in the tunnel on the Wellington - Johnsonville section of the Wellington - Manawatu railway,  2 men named John Enright and
Thomas O' Malley,  were killed.  ----    O'Malley whose age is about 25 is a single man,  and a recent arrival from London by the ship Oxford. 
Enwright is also a single man,  aged 30.  an inquest will be held.     ----   email for a copy.----

Finding of a Body -  OLLIVER111 and 011a
2 gentleman f ound  the body of Broughton F.Olliver in the estuary ---  member of the Masonic order I.O. been a ship's steward in 1874 an inquest will be held today --  lots more ---- - 

Mosgiel  -  PETERSON  - 112
at Mosgiel, e early yesterday morning  Cornelius Peterson  ------  Peterson died  -----  He was about 29 years of age and unmarried.

Addington Railway Station  -  PIPER  - 113
an accident of a somewhat  serious nature occurred at the Addington railway station last evening.  It appears that Mr Piper,  the station master,
 in the performance of his duties, was preparing to couple together some trucks which were to be shunted when,  slipping he was caught between
the connecting clips  ----    more----  email for a copy.

Bankruptcy  -    114
Frederick  CROSS  of Christchurch  merchant,     
Edward Goldsmith LEWIS     accountant,   
Archibald George COOK  accountant.
Charles STOKES  of Halswell
Arthur Matthew WEBB  of Christchurch.

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Beverley Evans
Christchurch  NZ
26 February   2007
amended 7 November 2010

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